4.1.4 Ranking Rewards Setting
Regular Rewards:
After winning each battle, players will receive different rewards based on the score range they are in. The specific reward contents are shown in the table below:
Point Max | Point Min | Rewards of Winning |
0 | 19 |
20 | 39 |
40 | 59 |
60 | 79 |
80 | 99 | WNH+100 |
100 | 129 | WNH+100 |
130 | 159 | WNH+200 |
160 | 189 | WNH+200 |
190 | 219 | WNH+300 |
220 | 249 | WNH+300 |
250 | 299 | WNH+400 |
300 | 349 | WNH+500 |
350 | 399 | WNH+600 |
400 | 449 | WNH+700 |
450 | 499 | WNH+800 |
500 | 699 | WNH+900 |
700 | 899 | WNH+1000 |
900 | 1099 | WNH+1100 |
1100 | 1299 | WNH+1200 |
1300 | 1499 | WNH+1300 |
1500 | 无限 | WNH+1400 |
Daily Rewards:
During the Arena competition, at 0:00 (UTC+8) each day, a certain reward will be given based on the current ranking of that day in the Arena. The daily rewards for S1PvP score matches are as follows:
Starting Rank | Ending Rank | Rewards |
1 | 1 | 475000 |
2 | 2 | 400000 |
3 | 3 | 300000 |
4 | 4 | 225000 |
5 | 5 | 150000 |
6 | 10 | 100000 |
11 | 20 | 70000 |
21 | 50 | 45000 |
51 | 100 | 30000 |
101 | 200 | 17500 |
201 | 500 | 12500 |
501 | 1000 | 8500 |
Season Rewards:
At the beginning of each score season, the official will rank players based on their score at the end of the season and give rewards based on the ranking. Rewards mainly includeAPENFT, and other items. For specific reward values and distribution methods, please refer to the official season competition announcement.
Last updated